Sep 26, 2015
558 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1Z1, Canada
SIGNS is a 150 seat upper casual dining restaurant and bar. It is the first Canadian restaurant that is staffed with Deaf servers, bartenders, kitchen staff and hosts.
Our Vision is threefold:
(i) To become one of the best restaurants in Canada
(ii) To promote the use of American Sign Language among the hearing community
(iii) To provide career opportunities and growth for the Deaf in the hospitality industry
The restaurant will appeal to a wide and varied clientele living across the GTA, as well as to tourists visiting Toronto.
Miku Vancouver Category : Restaurants
A restaurant is a business that connects people through comfortable spaces, delicious food, and memorable service. We believe that the greatest restaurants not only connect people, but also build human relationships among colleagues and guests. Our Aburi corporate philosophy is Ningenmi, defined as “finding joy in one’s life by bringing joy to others”. With the strong
Group: Oliver & Bonacini Restaurant Category : Restaurants
Socialoffice: 2323 Yonge street suite 303 8 brands of Restaurants: * Bannock * Luma * Oliver & Bonacini Canteen * Biff’s Bistro * Canoe * Jump * Auberge du Pommier * O. & B. Cafe Grill Yonge/Front street
Restaurant Maggie Oakes Category : Restaurants
Grill moderne et cuisine végétarienne Les vraies saveurs d’ici Nous offrons différentes coupes de bœuf AAA du Canada, dont les plus populaires: contre-filet sur os, T-bone, Porterhouse ou Tomahawk. Les pièces sont toutes vieillies à sec maison pour un minimum de 35 jours dans la chambre de vieillissement vitrée de notre restaurant. Notre mur végétal
ALO RESTAURANT Category : Restaurants
163 Spadina Avenue | 3rd Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2L6, Canada 416-260-2222 Hospitality [hos-pi-tal-i-tee] Origin: French; Hospitalité; The quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way. Alo[‘a.lo] Origin: Latin; Alui altum; To nourish, cherish, support, sustain, maintain and keep. It is our intention to get back to the
Jacobs & Steak Category : Restaurants
Classification: 4 1/2 stars 12 Brant street, FASHION DISTRICT, Toronto * House Aged Meat * Piano-Bar
Canoe Restaurant & Bar Category : Restaurants
54th Floor TD Bank Tower | 66 Wellington St. W,Toronto, Ontario M5K 1H6, Canada (Bay and Wellington Streets) 416-364-0054 Critically acclaimed to be among Canada’s best restaurants, Canoe’s unique location high atop the TD Bank Tower affords a breathtaking view of the city. The design is clean and simple, yet absolutely stylish—a brilliant reflection of
Byblos Category : Restaurants
11 Duncan Street, Toronto, Ontario m5v3m2, Canada 647-660-0909 Byblos represents a marriage of Eastern Mediterranean cuisine with strong influences from both traditional and local ingredients. Using time-honored classic cooking techniques and modern methods, Executive Chef Stuart Cameron has created dishes that showcase the regionally-specific spices and flavours of the Eastern Mediterranean seaboard. The menu is a
ORO Restaurant Category : Restaurants
45 Elm Street Toronto, ON (416) 597-0155 Each day ORO’s creative team pushes the boundaries of the culinary imagination with appetizers, entrées and desserts prepared neo-Italian style but subtly accented with hints from around the world. Add to this an award-winning wine list and it’s no surprise ORO was selected one of Canada’s Top
Gauffres et Glace Category : Restaurants
Waffles & Ice Cream Reinveted! GAUFRES & GLACES offers a unique concept of waffles & ice cream. Everything is cooked on site to ensure maximum freshness and quality. Our mission is to constantly have the best quality and variety of products for all our customers to enjoy. We offer 21 choices of top-quality Belgian Chocolate