

Sep 26, 2015




163 Spadina Avenue | 3rd Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2L6, Canada


Hospitality [hos-pi-tal-i-tee]
Origin: French; Hospitalité; The quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way.

Origin: Latin; Alui altum; To nourish, cherish, support, sustain, maintain and keep.

It is our intention to get back to the roots of hospitality. We want each and every guest to feel welcome in our home, and that home is ALO. A destination for classically prepared, meticulously thought out French food and service. This no-nonsense approach to fine dining with our combined experience working behind-the-scenes at some of the world’s best restaurants has led us to this point. We welcome you to ALO.

Categories: Restaurants

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