Aug 26, 2015
Cabin Five
225 Richmond Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 1W2
Directly accessible down the alleyway from The Fifth’s main entrance, Cabin Five is Toronto’s greatest party bar.
If you’re tired of the same old club scene with its overpriced drinks and doormen with attitude, then Cabin Five is the place for you. It’s a no-nonsense party bar that puts a premium on fun rather than worrying about velvet ropes.
Fridays & Saturdays: 10pm-3am
Cabin Five is closed on
July 31st & August 1st.
We will resume regular hours starting August 7th.
225 Richmond Street West
Southwest corner of Richmond Street West and Duncan Street two blocks west of University Avenue, south side of Richmond Street. Entrance off alleyway on the south side of the building
Subway stop: Osgoode
Stones Place Category : Bar & Nightclubs
Flamboyant owner of Stones Place, Jerry Stone, has been a collector of Rolling Stones memorabilia for well over 40 years – and it shows. The walls of legendary Toronto bar Stones Place are covered in guitars, gold records and posters from every era of ‘The Boys’ career! Located in Parkdale in the heart of Queen
Le Belmont Category : Bar & Nightclubs
Situated at the corner of St. Laurent and Avenue du Mont Royal, Le Belmont is part music venue and part bar. At the heart of Montreal’s active nightlife for over 20 years, Le Belmont offers a range of original programming every week that includes concerts and club nights—covering everything from electronic music, to hip hop,
10 bars High-Class in monrtreal Category : Bar & Nightclubs
I have the solution for you. Here are ten places that can be called High-Class, which will match your cravings for big spenders on Friday night.
Dieu du Ciel Category : Bar & Nightclubs
The story begins in 1991, when Jean-François begins delving into home brewing experiments. He quickly develops a passion for the trade and begins thinking of a brewing as a career Having emerged on the scene by brewing audacious beers, Dieu du Ciel! continually seeks to question itself, to experiment and to evolve at all levels.
FURLOUGH Category : Bar & Nightclubs
924 Queen West, Toronto, Ontario 647-348-2525 The second venture from Team Barchef (Frankie Solarik and Brent VanderVeen) is a smoking-jacketed throwback worlds away from its mother ship’s hyper-modernist sensibilities. Housed in the former Ursa at Queen and Shaw, Furlough is dim, polished and classically inclined. Just the spot for an aperitif – try the Lee-Metford
Toronto Temperance Society Category : Bar & Nightclubs
Toronto Temperance Society Where: 577A College St., east of Clinton St. Vibe: Chic Room for dancing: Yes Can you order food: Yes Of Note: This members-only bar also offers cocktail-making classes.
Analog Brewing Category : Bar & Nightclubs
Get to know Alberta’s nerdiest brewery. Analog was created by two best friends from college and a love for craft beer/video games. While we both held different jobs through our lives we eventually got tired of the grind and sought out to do something that combined our passions of craft beer and being massive nerds.
EMMET RAY BAR Category : Bar & Nightclubs
924 College, Toronto, Ontario M6H 1A4 416-792-4497 Emmet Ray is somewhat of a mythical character. Some claim he did not exist, some know he did. Jazz aficionados may be aware of this little known gypsy jazz guitarist of the 1930s and 40s. And Woody Allen’s 1999 film “Sweet and Lowdown,” aimed to shed some light
Bar Batavia Category : Bar & Nightclubs
Bar Batavia Where: 2031 Yonge St., south of Eglinton Hours: Wednesday 6:30 p.m. to midnight-ish; Thursday to Saturday 6:30 p.m. to 2 a.m.; closed Sunday to Tuesday Vibe: Speakeasy, music loving Room for dancing: Yes Can you order food: Yes Of Note: They’re serious about cocktails, and make them into a show.